
Jumat, 18 November 2011

Census Report: Nearly Two Million People In US At Least 90 Years Old.

News that more Americans are living to be 90 years old was covered on all three network news broadcasts, as well as by several other print and online sources.
        The CBS Evening News (11/17, story 7, 2:15, Pelley) reported, "The Census Bureau reported today that there are now nearly two million people in this country in their 90s."
        NBC Nightly News (11/17, story 8, 0:45, Williams) reported that "the number of Americans aged 90 and older nearly tripled in the last three decades." ABC World News (11/17, story 7, 2:45, Muir) also noted the increase on its broadcast.
        USA Today Share to FacebookShare to Twitter (11/18, El Nasser) reports, "The number of people living to age 90 and likely to quadruple by 2050." However, "This burst in the number of oldest old puts extra pressure on elderly care programs, health care costs, retirement savings and Baby Boomers with the dual responsibility of caring for aging parents and unemployed adult children."
        Also covering the story are the Los Angeles Times Share to FacebookShare to Twitter (11/18, Kaplan) "Booster Shots" blog, CQ Share to FacebookShare to Twitter (11/18, Adams, Subscription Publication), the National Journal Share to FacebookShare to Twitter (11/18, Quinton, Subscription Publication), the AP Share to FacebookShare to Twitter (11/18), HealthDay Share to FacebookShare to Twitter (11/18, Reinberg), the Milwaukee (WI) Journal Sentinel Share to FacebookShare to Twitter (11/18, Glauber), Reuters Share to FacebookShare to Twitter (11/18, Keiper), and the NPR Share to FacebookShare to Twitter (11/18, Memmott) "The Two-Way" blog.

Statistics Reveal Trends In US Birth Rates.

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