
Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

Dry Eye Clinic at EMG in Portland Maine

Every other Thursday afternoon, Dr. Jordan Sterrer hosts a Dry Eye Clinic here at EMG. The clinic is run differently than a normal exam, although an appointment is still required. The doctor and technician see the patients together, and do an extensive history and life style evaluation. “There are three basic layers to the tear film- oil, water, and mucus. Problems with any of these layers may cause dry eye symptoms” says Dr. Jordan Sterrer. Signs and symptoms of dry eye, or Dysfunctional Tear Syndrome, include:

 Stinging, burning, or scratchy sensation

 Grittiness, or a feeling that something is in the eye

 Blurred vision

 Sensitivity to light

 Difficulty wearing contact lenses

Different diagnostic tests, such as a Schirmer’s test, and the use of dyes and stains, are done to diagnose the patient. A life style evaluation is done to determine if the patient has any medical conditions, such as diabetes or rheumatoid arthritis or are on any medications such as birth control pills or antihistamines that may put them at an increased risk for dry eye. Based on all of these factors, Dr. Sterrer will decided which treatment is appropriate for each patient.

Cutting edge therapies for dry eye, such as autologus serum, may be suggested as treatment. Patients may be required to come back for additional visits to dry blood to make the serum, or to have follow up appointments to see how the treatment is progressing.

If you are experiencing eye discomfort or believe that you may have dysfunctional tear syndrome, please call today at 1-888-374-2020 to set up an appointment in our Dry Eye Clinic.

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